Friday, October 22, 2010

Third Prank: Hot Glue and Tampons

We did both of these pranks on the same day so I'll start with the hot glue prank. This prank we cannot take credit for because one of our trainers who came to the hotel when we opened gave us some ideas on pranks we could do. On the list was a prank to hot glue EVERYTHING on one of the managers desk. Right away we decided this prank was going to be on Becki. If I could give some advice on doing this prank I would suggest having a really BIG hot glue gun and not a small one like we had. When we were doing some of the smaller items it worked out okay but the big items like the phone and calculator were a little more difficult. The glue also didn't seem to hold as well on the bigger items. We had pens, pencils, money(coins), papers, phone, calculator and just about everything hot glued down. Under Becki's calender we even gave her an added bonus and hot glued her initials with some paperclips. We thought it would be fun to call Becki so she would have to attempt to pick up her phone but I think she got that up right away so it didn't turn out how we were hoping.

*This is us showing a little of Becki's desk all hot glued down!

Now for the tampon prank. This one was fun because we had tons of tampons stacked in the cabinets above both Becki and Elizabeth's desks. There isn't a lot of explaining to do with this prank. We did a couple practice ones to see exactly how it would work and how many we could get stuffed in the cabinets so I have some videos on that. I was personally there for Becki's reaction and it was HILARIOUS!!! Both Jen and I couldn't keep a straight face when asking her for an envelope since they were in that cabinet. We tried to get the Housekeeping Executive to do it but she couldn't do it either. So eventually when we were around the corner we yelled to Becki and asked her for an envelope and of course she told us yeah no problem. Then we started to walk to her door and we heard ALLL of the tampons hitting the desk then heard Becki bust out laughing. It was so funny. *I was not there for Elizabeth's reaction so I will be asking someone about that here soon and I'll make sure I post what her reaction was also.*

*This was our first time practicing the prank so we didn't have a lot of tampons in the cabinet yet. We decided Jen was going to be the first test subject.

*This one we had a lot more in the cabinet. This time we decided to have Heathyre as our test subject!!

Oh and yes we practiced the prank so many times my knees were hurting from getting up on the desk to keep restocking the tampons in the cabinet!! :)

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