Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fourth Prank: Becki's AWESOME Christmas Office!

So this prank was done when Becki went on vacation back in December 2009. This is probably the biggest prank we have done and it took a couple days to complete. This prank took a lot of planning and I decided right before this prank that I would actually go out and buy a camcorder so we could start taping all the pranks we do. This was by far my favorite prank ever because it's no surprise what I'm about to say but I LOVE CHRISTMAS. This all started when Sarah and I were talking about pranks we could do on Becki's office when she leaves. The idea was brought up about doing her whole office in aluminum foil which we saw on youtube. We were talking about where the heck we could get that much foil without it costing an arm and a leg. We were working out some of the details for the prank and of course getting all excited about doing it. Sarah and I were talking and brainstorming some ideas and it just hit me what we could do. I told her I thought we should wrap everything in her office in Christmas wrapping paper instead of the foil. We both thought that would look awesome. We have never seen that done before or even heard of it being done so it was going to be something new also. So from there we began to put the plan in action. We started to slowly buy some wrapping paper and ended up with 12 BIG rolls. Which we found out in the end that was actually to much. I also started to talk to Jenny to see if she would be in Findlay during that time at all or would be able to come and help us with it. I have tons of pictures and videos I will be posting so this post will be nice and long. I just want to make sure everyone gets the full experience of us working on her office.

*Me explaining what we will be doing to her office and showing what it looks like before starting.

*The first picture is just of all the wrapping paper we bought.

*The second picture is of her office before starting.

*This picture is just showing all of the small things we actually wrapped on her cabinet. We did end up wrapping everything even though it's not all done in this picture.

*This is showing our progress so far.

As the night went on and we pushed more and more caffeine down, of course that means we began to get silly and decided to have a little fun.

*This is just a couple pictures of us having some fun!!

All good things must come to an end. We started the office around 3-4pm and ended up calling it a night around 2:10am. Whew.. it was one long night but well worth it because we ended up getting a lot done.

*This is the video of everything we got done the first day.

The second day has arrived and what would a good prank be without a set back here or there? When we arrived the next day we realized that the tape was not holding the wrapping paper up on the walls. So everything on the walls was falling down. So what does this call for? STRONGER tape of course. Oh and then we have Elizabeth who I think enjoyed torturing us even more. Ugghh seriously she had to get in the filing cabinet that day and apparently it couldn't have waited two more days. So I made up a new list called I'm gunna cut you list and Elizabeth took the number one spot for tearing into the filing cabinet and then Elizabeth also took the number two spot for ripping into Becki's desk drawer. (Which by the way I still get to cut you two times for that Elizabeth).

*This was me walking in the office the next day and finding all of the wrapping paper falling off the walls. Kind of makes the last couple hours of work that first night pointless but at the same time it was better we found out then instead of when Becki was walking into her office when she got back.

After fixing all of the walls and finishing up some small items, Jenny showed up to help us out. It's always nice having another pair of hands. She had to do some of the harder stuff that involved being on the ladder the whole time.

*This is just an update of what we have left to do. The ceiling was taking the longest. The floor didn't take long at all. It was pretty much just putting paper down on the floor and walking softly on top of it to put everything back in the office.

*This is the finished product. Becki's office has been officially turned into one BIG Christmas present. Merry Christmas Becki!! :)

*Below is a couple pictures of the finished product!!

*Yes we are the guilty three. :-)

We did end up catching Becki's reaction on video but before I show you that there is a couple more things that should be shared first. We got both Becki and Elizabeth some cute singing Christmas pets. Elizabeth then made us DANCE for candy because hers sings.. I WANT CANDY!!

*This is the gifts we got them. Elizabeth named hers Fluffy McFlufferson and Becki named hers Scruffy McScrufferson!!

The day Becki was coming back to work Sarah ended up getting in a car accident. :-( She was okay though which is a good thing but her car was not okay. I went into work early that morning to check on the office and make sure nothing was falling down. It was a good thing because everything covering the windows was down and since Sarah got in an accident I ended up being all alone trying to fix it before Becki got in. Sarah getting in an accident was bad but it ended up giving me a reason to actually be at work. Becki asked why I was there and I said because Sarah got in an accident but I was really there because I had the camcorder all ready to tape her reaction to her office. Okay now for her reaction.

*This is Becki's reaction to her new office. We were hard at work while she was on vacation.

Her reaction was pretty funny because I don't think she really expected that but I know she was expecting something.

*This is Becki opening her present which she thought was going to jump out at her. I love her reaction at the end of the dog singing. (It makes me laugh every time)!!
*This is Becki in her new improved office and of course with Scruffy!!

This prank was so much fun to do and we got to listen to Christmas music the whole time (WooHoo). This will be very hard to ever top and will probably go down as my favorite prank EVER!!!

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